Saturday, October 9, 2010

Term 4 = my worst term ever

Currently listening to:
Song: Imran Khan - Amplifier (decent hindi song, wicked bass)
He Is We - Happily Ever After (very catchy and acoustic-y)
Bands: A Rocket To The Moon (Their new stuff but had their old stuff in my iTunes somewhere)
 2 NE 1 (Korean Girl band which I reckon is better than Girls Generation)
The Downtown Fiction (The next "Red Jumpsuit Apparatus"?)

School's tomorrow and I'm not prepared for any of it (maybe lunch, I'm sorted for that. Valleri can justify that with her flash job at New World =D)
I've not revised or studied any of my Calculus, Biology or my Geography let alone completing my Graphics and Tech assignments for externals FML. Maybe I shouldn't of went out almost every day and night with my buddies, playing Halo Reach and Basketball then go to party then sleeping till 12 in the afternoon. Another not as so wasted but non-productive 2 weeks plus an additional 4 weeks of school, I don't know if I can pull it off my portfolio D=
I'm ashamed to say that I may SNAr this year (standard not assessed) at the rate I'm going.
Not only that, got the prefect assembly to perform, undie run for year 13s and where's that Teachers versus the Year 13s hockey match Jaiman?
This year kinda sucked, that's my two cents.
Next year better be sofa king awesome that'll make me do something in my life that is worth the memory space in my brain.

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