Saturday, January 1, 2011

Stroll down Memory Lane

Currently listening to:
Song - DJ Earworm - Don't Stop The Pop ( Sums up 2010 pretty well. Beats listening to an insanely long countdown from 100 to 1 which I never like )
N-Dubz - Girls ( Extremely catchy NSFW though )
Band / Artist - Cheap Seats ( Loving some of their tracks "Sin, Repent, Repeat" and "Chained To Me" )
Kill Paradise ( Very synth-y )

People often quote "The future is always under construction"
But I say "The past is always under maintenence"
Because if it is not highly maintained, you'll forget things.

You'll forget the memories that would bring a smile to your face
You'll forget the friendship before a falling out
You'll forget how awesome life was and still is.

Looking towards the future, we often think about the past.
This is my past ( or pictures as far back as I could salvage )
Ahh! the good ol' days

Just chilling with mah homies
It's somebody's birthday coming up xD Btw That's my teacher on the left
My best buddy who has mad fingernails for playing the Veena
Wow! Just two dorky kids!
My 15th birthday party =D
Gazing into the distance
Whose this beautiful girl next to me?
The year Orange house actually winning something
LOL Timmy's pedo look
Dragon dance like an asian kid
Our little escapades
You're now officially allowed in the Common Room now Sera lol
Before you became a gym junkie Wei Ho
Mad photobombing skills guys
Summer begins with us
Guy with long hair
Us acting like retards =D
'tis was a good night
Just for you Harsha!
Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
Epic facials all round
Our celebratory last day of term ritual
OMFG! I'm wearing the same shirt in the picture atm
Scored tonnes of free stuff didn't we Ajay?
William's hot body
1000 paper cranes = my baby

That's how we start off 2011 bitches
This is my future

lol just kidding

Kick starting the New Year of 2011 in style
ps Sorry to all the motorists driving past yesterday. Instead of saying "Happy New Year", I said "Merry Christmas"

1 comment:

  1. aww I LOVE ITT!! "beautiful girl"? pshhh *blush* hahaha lovely opening piece :) Cheers to OUR future, thanks to our past! Happyy 20eleven Timmy xox
