Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The chicken or the egg?

Currently listening to: Pat Banatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot ( I have this song on Guitar Hero 3 ON MY PHONE! ^_^ also it is a great sing a long)
Cute Is What We Aim For - Curse Of Curve ( acronymed CIWWAF like A Rocket To The Moon [ARTTM] and And Then There Were None [ATTWN] <-------- another favourite band )
Band / Artist - Lisa Miskovsky ( made the OST for the game "Mirror's Edge" which is based on Parkour (which I've been doing recently and taken interest to. Her other sings are also quite good)
Gabriel The Marine ( another typical pop rock band? I think not. At least it's better than the Jonas Bros.)

First of all, It's Sabita's birthday today and her party along with Roshni and Harika a while back was pretty awesome. Highlights was definately the beach photo op and another addition to my sunglass collection but the shades doesn't suit me. Only I would bring more than one pair of shades to a party. Happy Birthday Sabu!
Don't hide that beautiful face of yours!

Well the end of the year is drawing to a close and deadlines are creeping closer and closer.
Then you are face with two choices
Either lift your head up and look towards the future
or put your head down into a book and study up
because the end is the beginning
Its the like debate "Who came first? The chicken or the egg?"
Sid says the chicken evolved from reptiles
Clinton says the egg because without the egg, there will be no chicken and the egg was sent from heaven
I say its an infinite loop like an iPod stuck in replay
This debate happened while we were watching "Wizards of Waverly Place" xD
Don't worry guys, we know you watch it for Selena Gomez too
So the beginning is the end
Now I'm gonna fail my biology test tomorrow.
And some sad news
Indonesia was not hit by just one natural disaster but two
A tsunami hitting one of their remote islands and a volcano eruption on the island of Java
Currently at 100+ casualties and on the rise
My heart goes out to them
and hope they can make it through this tough situation

ps Sorry Ashley bout the chip (stingy asian-ness)
Shout out to Anagha ( cos she's cool =D )

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