Saturday, October 9, 2010


I don't like the idea of soulmates. It's misleading
The concept of soulmates revolves around that fact that there's one and only one that will be compatible with you. Imagine you are like a jigsaw puzzle with the Katy Perry line "I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece, I'm complete", that fact is that there is just the one specific piece that could fit, no matter how hard you try to make the two go together, they just don't. You can have a partial fit but not perfect. You can force it because everytime I do 1000 pieces jigsaw puzzles, I assume the pieces go together and start pushing the sides together, screaming "GTFI*" *sub in "in" instead of "out".
So the world's population is 6,874,100,000 approx and surface area of 510,072,000  square km  
(thanks wikipedia) so your soulmate can be in another suburb, another country or even on another continent.
Who knows? Could even be off planet (See Superman + Lois Lane, etc) so the likelihood that you've found your soulmate is so slim that its like winning the lotto times thousand
Also, If your soulmate has an STD or is currently married to another person (the wrong person), you're totally fucked.
What do you think?
I think soulmates were created by men to woo their women counterparts because that's the type of corny stuff women love to hear


  1. the whole concept of soulmates is that it's not someone random, it's someone picked out for you who you will definitely meet sometime in your life. so you can't really use statistics to disprove it, it's like God, you can't disprove the theory, you can just choose not to believe it due to no tangible evidence.

    Personally I think it's bullshit because I'm greedy and I can't stand the thought of just having 1 person I'm compatible with =P

  2. ... I have too much to say. I shall write an entry in response to this blog. :D
